22:13:58 | 2000-07-28

Today I worked in a frenzied state for 7 hours straight.

I didn't pee for 7 hours.

In fact, I have my period, and I didn't change my tampon for 9 hours.

That's so wrong.

I worked like this crazy person to make a deadline, and I worked everyone around me. To the bone. I am an ogre.

Truly, I hate being the biatch. So I rolled up my sleeves and jumped in with the rest of the dept. Did stuff I haven't done in years. It was bizarre. Nice to know I can still do it, but bizarre. Hopefully my efforts show how badly I felt for having to the bearer of bad news and dump all that work on the kids. Because of someone who couldn't get it done right in the first place.

What's the point you guys???

Anyone out there reading this....can you pls. go to my guestbook and tell me why I am doing this? Tell me there will be a pay off or tell me just to give it up already but don't make me anguish in my diary thinking I'm just another schmuck offering my blood, sweat and tears to THE MAN in the hopes of receiving a gold watch for 25 years of service.

That, I just couldn't take.

God, what am I doing with my life?

And now I've missed my bus to the shore. And I will be getting down super late. And everyone will be waiting for me. Me with the stye in her eye. Sure to get some action tonight. I suck.

I suck isuck isuck i suck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck isuck.

And so I write.

I write because I can't bear the thought of getting on that stinky bus so angry.

If this were a movie, some guy would ring the night bell at my office and rescue me. Strangely, I don't hear the bell ringing. I think it's safe to say no one is coming for me. Boys suck.

I say boys, because I've never dated a man. Only boys. Oh, and I've dated GUYS. Guys REALLY suck. They involve a lot of late night booty calls. They also involve the occassional late-night break in when you stop answering the phone and they are so desperate for some action - they think it's a brilliant idea to break into your apt. or otherwise fool your unsuspecting roommate to let him in because he arranged with you to stop by and sleep over that night. The things guys go through to get a piece of ass are truly spectacular.

How did I get HERE? On this tangent? I am such a freak. With like a million thoughts racing, racing, racing through my mind.

What I need to do now is race down to the shore and make it in time for a couple of birthday shots at the bar du jour. A birthday is a birthday, regardless of your workday!

Rock on.

Have a great weekend.

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