17:57:01 | 2000-08-31

If you haven�t read this, you are seriously missing out.


This morning I was subjected to the unthinkable. While on the bus, a girl plops down next to me and starts applying her make-up. I�m talking, full-on, starting with foundation.

I have a big problem with this. While not as offensive to me at these women who walk out of their apts. with wet hair � HELLO! COLLEGE IS OVER, you�re going to work, get up and dry your hair before you walk out of your building � it�s disturbing to me that these people are leaving their building like this. I mean, could you imagine if some guy whipped out an electric razor and started shaving on the bus? Or tweezing his nose hairs??? C�mon ladies, some things should be taken care of in the privacy of your own home. Get some couth.

But to make matters worse, another girl gets on the bus and sidesteps the makeup artist and sits between us. This girl has her Discman playing in one ear, fashion plated cell phone up to the other. She proceeds to recount her entire date last night.

I am now white knuckling my Rolling Stone Magazine as I can no longer concentrate on the Ralph Nader article I was reading. I turn and stare nastily at this offensive beast, but she has no shame as girls with no class do, and she continues on with her vapid prattle � telling the friend the entire conversation with her date and how she told him she likes to eat healthily and orders everything on the side.

At this point, my head is pounding. Blood surges in my head.

I can�t take anymore.

I stand up, trying to escape the vapidness of it all.

As I move to pass the makeup artist, she blocks me, turning to the girl on the other side of her and here is where I see the clincher. The makeup artist not only left her apt. with naked face this morning, but she also only zipped her dress up � of the way and now asked the girl next to her to zip it up and hook it.


How are these people functioning in society?

Which brings me to the topic of stupid girls. I have no tolerance for them. Luckily, the girls who are my friends are not only, way RAD and the most beautiful � they are also the smartest people I know. And they can party like you don�t even know. When we have BF�s, there�s none of this �date night� crap � we just bring the BF�s out with the rest of group. Or, tell the BF to go out with his friends and meet up for late-night. The only problem arises with our guy friends, when they date outside the group, because, inevitably, they will date a girl who cannot keep up with us. And therefore, we will publicly mock her. And there will be a break up.

But this is not our fault.

Anyway, there are way stupid girls out there and it is not an act. I�ve noticed that all of the stupid girls I work with hang out together. It�s like a trade association. A stupid girl union. I had to walk past a clusterfuck of this stupidity the other day. I think they were looking at the subway schedule. It was upside down. I pointed this out and they all giggled. Good lord. Someone save me.

Yet I have noticed that many of these stupid girls are getting engaged. I find this disturbing. Who is the guy who decides he wants to live with this person for the rest of his life? I mean, that�s a big decision! I�m not even sure I want to live with myself for the rest of my life, let alone someone else. I tried to divorce my parents after like 11 years of living with them, and I wasn�t even fully educated yet! And they are COOL!

Maybe they have dowry�s? We were talking about that on the beach a couple of weeks ago. We were all laughing about how our fathers are going to have to offer major dowry�s to get us off their hands. Everyone�s like: �Partygirl, your dad�s going to have to offer like 20 sheep, 2 horses, and a hand crafted wedding quilt to lock someone in for you.�

They were like, �your Dad�s going to have this major dowry and lock someone in and then a couple of weeks later you are going to show up back at home and you�re parents are going to be like what happened? And you are going to be like - he�s no fun. I was bored.�

I was bored.

Story of my life.

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