9:39 a.m. | 2001-10-19

I've caught some kind of bug and spent last night laying on the tiles of my bathroom floor, violently ill.

My roommate had the same thing the night before. I'm not sure if it's food poisoning or just a stomach virus, but I feel like hell.

I dragged myself out of bed, my legs were shaking and my skin clammy and I just held onto the walls of the shower trying to figure out how the hell I was going to get myself to work.

I had to lay down again after the shower, before I could get dressed. I pulled it together and walked outside and picked up today's NY Post.

Looking at the cover of the paper, I felt like such an ass for being so weak, from just a bug, when this woman is out there being the bravest lady I've ever seen.

While our elected officials run screaming for cover and the networks try to one-up each other with Anthrax contractions, widow Lisa Beamer is sending a message to this country that her husband is not the only hero in the Beamer family.

Lisa Beamer, widow of a man who orchestrated the fight against terrorists in Flight 93 that went down in PA, mother of two and pregnant with her third, is facing unmeasurable tragedy and boarding the same flight that took her husband's life a month ago to show this country that we cannot be afraid.

WE cannot be afraid.

Lisa Beamer is my hero.

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