8:59 p.m. | 2003-06-09

Thursday night I hightailed it to Philly for some QT time with the cousins. As inevitably happens, one of the Philly friends caught wind of me being in town and tracked me down at a bar in Manyunk. It doesn't even phase me anymore, the tracking down. I think these people have bloodhounds trained on my scent. This guy even had my new cell phone number, which I activated moments before I got onto the train. Freakin' Encyclopedia Brown.

To backtrack, Wednesday night one of the Philly crew was in town and we ripped it up. I haven't been out in 2 weeks, so that was fun.

Friday I headed down to the shore and we laid low. Saturday, it rained, so we watched movies and cooked dinner, had some people over.

Sunday, the rain broke and we walked the boardwalk, did some shopping and then I came back to the Jack. That's New Jack City for you youngsters.

I've been spending my time on work. There's a lot going on right now, summer is always busy for me. Between work and me servicing my friends as their own personal ticketmaster for the summer concert season, I've got my hands full. Requesting and coordinating tickets is a fulltime job. Maybe I should add a $3 service charge for my work. Either that, or they can pay me in drugs. That's a thought! They could pay me in the preferred drug of the band! I'm so entreprenuerial.

That's enough thinking for today. More of the same enlightment to spew forth tomorrow.

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