5:03 p.m. | 2002-01-25

So I haven't updated.

My friend and I went to see "Monster's Ball" earlier in the week and we were so freakin' depressed after that movie that I couldn't find anything to write about.

Seeing a movie in NYC is great, because everybody in NYC is an insider. Thanks to great gossip pages and firsthand witnessing of celebrity gaffes, we know who' gay and who's not, who's cheating on whom with who, who slept with who to get a part and more. When you see a film in NYC, the audience of insiders laughs at things you may not laugh at in other places.

In Monster's Ball, there was one good laugh. (This shouldn't ruin it for you, so don't worry.) There's a point in the movie that Billy Bob Thornton walks into a hospital and encounters a policeman. Normally, a director might pull the camera so you just see the long shot of BBT and the policeman talking or the policeman would be in the shot but have no lines. However, in this scene the policeman does have lines. A LOT OF LINES. TOO MANY LINES. Why, you might ask, because the policeman is Angelina Jolie's brother.

The entire theater roared with laughter when he flashed onto the screen. I could barely hear his dialogue, people were laughing so hard. AND THEN, he came on AGAIN. It so ridiculous. It was like a charicature of Hollywood planted in the movie. Brilliant. Altman would love it.

There's that and not much else. I've been laying low.

"By Choice, man. Choice."

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