8:10 p.m. | 2003-07-08

I'm a Taurus who truly hates change. I fight it kicking and screaming. When I am forced to change, I usually end up loving it, but it's a hard thing for me to do.

I've been writing on this purple partygirl page for 4 years now. Four years of my life and all of it's tumultuous, crazy times, documented on this site. It's mind boggling.

When I read my archives, it's hard to remember the girl that I was when I started this. I was 26 years old then, I'm 30 now. That blows my mind.

The truth is, I'm not that Partygirl anymore. I've evolved and I'm still working on transforming into an adult.

I've met some lifelong friends through this site. My belief in the kindness of humanity was both challenged and then reinforced by documenting the events of my life on this page. I thank everyone who's read and written to me for that.

Now it's time for me to move on. I'll be writing somewhere else from now on. Maybe you'll find me, and maybe not.

I wish you all well. Both of us wish you well, that Partygirl inside of me that I will never lose and the woman that I am becoming.


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