10:37 a.m. | 2001-06-12

Let�s backtrack. I haven�t been drinking. So I stayed true to my pledge to be "on the wagon" for the last 11 days. I said I was doing it on a Friday, then I had a wild bachelorette on Saturday, during which I drank in moderation and reigned myself in by 2:30am, which as I told Gingi, is the equivalent of coming home at 11PM anywhere else in the continental U.S. I think that�s pretty good!

After that night, I had a BBQ at my place and I did not drink although everyone else did. Then I was sober all week, minus Thursday when I had 4 or so margherita�s with dinner, which doesn�t really count anyway because 1) it was the night of the MTV movie awards and 2) it was with dinner so that doesn�t count. PLUS, that night my roommates came home shithoused drunk, and I�m talking drunk where you throw up all over yourself on your way home, come in and try to clean yourself up but are too drunk to do so, instead you strip down, toss your ruined clothes in the tub and start running the water and then realize you are tired so you go to bed and pass out, leaving the water running the entire time. I�m talking drunk like coming home when the sun comes up and knowing you aren�t going to get sleep before it�s time to go to work so you sit down on the couch and pass out, fully dressed, in the sitting position. Generally, this is behavior that I would demonstrate, so I just want to record that I was actually sober in these instances. For once.

And that I�m not the only one with bad behavior.

So I went canoeing this weekend, and because of the fact that I spent most of my time falling OUT of my canoe, I was unable to drink during the excursion. I did not drink out of choice at the BBQ after the canoe trip. Conversely, on Sunday night, I did drink, but I was drinking frozen drinks, which may count as 1) dessert and 2) a cooling technique as it was *very* hot in the City.

So really, considering all of this information, I have been on *very* good behavior for 11 days.

PS � My definition of �On the Wagon� means no alcohol. Just wanted to clarify that. Draw your own conclusions.

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