9:07 p.m. | 2001-11-08

Can I just say what a pleasure it is, when you decide to break out and meet someone new, and they are cool?

We all know my general rule of thumb with Internet people. Don't go there.

I'll admit, I've been lucky. The people I've met are ACES. But we've all heard the horror stories and I'm too much of a serial killer junkie to walk the line.

For some reason today, I broke my rule and met this biatch and she rocked the pah-tay that rocked the pah-tay. She's down.

I think it's rare that you meet people on the Internet who exceed your expectations. Again, I've been lucky. But now I've met another one.

If you're young and you read this, you should read her because she can school you on all that is hip-hop. And I do mean hip-hop. Learn your roots and then you can better appreciate The Roots.

If you're older, you should read her too because she's she's old school and still going places and maybe it will light a fire under all of the asses (mine included) here in Diaryland trying to get our groove on and get it DONE. You know what I mean.

Keep...on...movin', don't stop...


It has come to my attention that a party guest opened a can of Slimfast during the party because we ran out of mixers.

I'm sorry, are you fucking kidding me? And what the hell are these people mixing with Slimfast? Champagne?!?

We've hit an all-time low here and it meeds to be documented. When you turn to Slimfast as your mixer, you have three options: 1) Go get a MEAL, 2) Drink it straight, 3) Call it a fucking DAY, buddy.

This is a strong and viable argument for legalizing drugs. Do YOU want your next of kin mixing good Gin with a meal in a can? MY GOD, I know we are at war and all, but has it really come to this?

Personally, I'd rather see this idiot numbed to satisfaction with some grass. Maybe then I could understand some of these people's late night blubbering about the state of world and possibly *GASP* have a coherent and even *brace yourself* DEEP, conversation.

I'm radical, I know. But we've hit a lowpoint here, people.

This is as bad as this summer when my brother mistook baby formula for margarita mix and whipped up some high-grade formula margarita's.

I should really question HIM about the Slimfast issue, come to think of it.

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