10:37 p.m. | 2001-12-11

Today, in the midst of a good wallow for my self-created poverty issues, I took an extreme measure. Having exercised all (legal) options, I was left with one choice.

I called my parents and asked for help.

It's so embarrassing.

But I had no choice! I need to buy things! ASAP! For people. So I simply explained, I need to buy things for people and I can give you the money when I come home for Christmas and they said, okay. They didn't even ask any questions!

Can you believe that!? All of this stress, somewhat resolved!

And then on my way home, I strange thing happened on the Upper Eastside. I had to wade through a pack of teen-aged Hasiadic Jews selling menorah candles on the street, next to a Lexus SUV, with a GIANT menorah on top, with three giant plastic candles lit! Like a salmon swimming upstream, I manuevered through these kids as they tried to sell me candles and listened to the guy in the truck say a bunch of things in what I assume was Hebrew through a LOUDSPEAKER attached to the giant menorah and then wish everyone a Happy Chanuakah!

Only in New York.

So I guess the only thing left to say is HAPPY FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS!!!

Woo wooooooooo!!!!!!!

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