11:29 p.m. | 2002-01-03

Dear Diary,

My friend A. really pisses me off sometimes. He thinks he is so smart. He is patronizing and when he thinks I am being ignorant he pets my hair and says, "You're so pretty. Soooo pretty."

He kept doing that to Friend tonight and it really chafed me. It's fucking rude. And then when I would counter with something he disagreed with, he would give me this pitying look and stroke my hand. That is fucking irritating.

Tonight, he was talking about a friend who's at school at Wharton and when I made a crack about what a moron that person is, he said that guy is smarter than me.

For the record, that guy is *not* smarter than me. He's so not smarter than me.

Then, A. posed the question, "If JFK had lived would he be regarded as great a President as today?" Normally, I would debate this like a normal human being and be honest about JFK legacies but A. only posed the question because he is a filthy Republican. Absolutely filthy.

Every conversation about 9/11 leads him to blaming Clinton and his sole support for this argument is the Black Hawk incident. I have returned fire to this this argument in a matter of angles, but he is like driving into a brick wall. He is a so thick headed he will not intelligently regard a discussion of contrasting views.

He's really starting to piss me off.

I am considering cutting A.

I just want to note that now so it's not a surprise later.

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