9:07 p.m. | 2002-01-16

I'm getting serious about writing the book. I really need some quiet time to do so. The question here is: can I cut it as a recluse? Can I be disciplined? That, my friends, is the issue. I'm constantly starting something and not finishing. I lose interest, across the board, in everything.

I'm working to overcome that.

What can I tell you. Someone I know is showing her film at Sundance this week. I found a friend's first novel pre-listed on Amazon.com. A drag queen who used to beg to get into a club I had a VIP card to, started a line of *alleged* couture clothing and is all the rage of Seventh Avenue. While I'm happy for them, I refuse to be left behind. I will not be left behind. I need to make something happen for myself.


How hot is Gina Gershon's boyfriend? She's lucky girl.


Tonight, while leaving my building, I said to the doorman, "See you tomorrow." And for no reason at all, I thought to myself, how many people say that every day and don't live to see tomorrow? I hope that's not me.


I want to throw out all of the shit I have in my bedroom. I want to go minimal. This will involve scrapping a lot of fun items. I'm not sure what to do about this. I have a problem throwing away. I've been doing it gradually the last couple of months, but I feel inspired to scrap it all.

Just. Throw. It. Out.


I have an itch to go to Body and Soul this Sunday. I feel like a dance party. I feel like celebrating.

But it's probably going to be packed because of the long weekend.


I agreed to take a knitting class. *snort* Like I ever have time to sit home and knit.

But I would like to learn how to turn the row.


A friend of mine was telling me last week how perfect I am for my job and how he doesn't know how people who do what I do, do what I do.

"It's like all of you people are insane, hear what you want, and have no fear of pushing boundaries. The word "No" is just not in your vocabulary. You have no fear."

Personally, I don't know how people like him and Gingi do their jobs. I just have no patience to deal with clients. I use to deal with clients. It got to the point where I got so fed up with it, I would screen their calls for days. I just cannot deal with the hand holding. That and the memo writing. And the constant meetings. Conference calls. Corporate Jargon.

I have great admiration for those who manage clients, because I just do not have those skills. And they are skills.

Me? I'm a big fan of just jumping in and getting some work done. Think, Plan, Do. That's what I'm talking about.


Every so often I hear in my head that line Drew Barrymore delivers in "Riding In Cars With Boys." Something like, "Life is just a handful of days that change your life."

Think about it.

A parent dies. Your life changes. You fall in love. Your life Changes. You have a baby. Your life changes. You die. Your life is over.

That's it, in a nutshell.

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