10:48 p.m. | 2002-01-28

There's a point in life, when you recognize the beauty of living. There's a point when you recognize your inner strength and growth and your eyes open and you see it all around you. You see the beauty of the struggle and those who've beaten it in passersby on the street; in the butcher and your grocer and your drycleaner.

You suddenly see it in your friends. They've overcome huge struggles and evolved, when you weren't looking. Up until that point, you are in a childlike state. You think you are the only person with problems and you perceive your problems to be monumental. You think no one else struggles. You wish you could be like your best friend who seems to have it all, meanwhile, she secretly covets the same of you.

The truth is, no one has it all.

Life is a funny thing. You have these epiphanies and suddenly who wondered why you wasted all of that time worrying about inconsequential bullshit.

The people who do it right are the people who never stop working at it. I heard that an 83 year old man graduated from Hunter College last week. Now he wants to work toward a masters degree. I think that's beautiful. That's a man working to shape his destiny.

I think it's okay to be lost for a while, just as long as you remember to pick up yourself and try again.

I've been lost for a few years, but I am back on course. I am gradually understanding what it is I have to do.

It's a good feeling to be here. You'll be here too soon, if you're not already.

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