7:43 p.m. | 2002-02-25

Today was a bad start to what will inevitably be, a bad week.

I woke up at 7:15, showered and left my apartment at 8AM for work. I wondered why it was so quiet out, but it wasn't until I went to buy the paper that I found out, it was actually 7AM, not 8AM and I had accidentally changed the time on my alarm clock last night.

So, I was about an hour and 20 minutes early for work.


Work was so heinous that I'm surprised at my willpower to not throw myself down the elevator shaft. But worse is knowing that the nightmare is only just unfolding.

My hands are still peeling away and now I have a small rash on my lower leg, much like the rash the school children in Pennsylvania have developed that is throwing doctors for a loop.

My eyes are bloodshot, probably from restraining them in their sockets to prevent them from popping out during meetings.

To top it off, my spasmodic colon kicked in at the end of the day, triggered by stress. It's been a couple of years since this happened.

I'm a mess. Frankly, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep this up. My job, my life, living here.

I need some stability. STAT.

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