11:33 p.m. | 2002-03-18

Praise Jesus and all his angels that St. Patrick's Day comes but once a year. Truly.

I don't even know what the hell happened during that day and frankly, it's better that way.

Suffice it to say, I've had a rough three weeks. Things can only get better, right?

I acknowledge that I have hit a low point. This weekend my life kind of blew up, resulting in me crying for most of the night Saturday night in front of everyone I know. All this, and I hadn't even had a drink.

Things have been really bad for me. I haven't been able to express that here, but the last month or so has been the roughest time of my life and while I don't think that is an excuse for my behavior as of late, I offer it as an explanation.

I'm sorting out some serious life issues. Thinking ahead, about the long term and where I belong. Trying to lay out the steps I need to take to get there. Working at making it happen, and sometimes along the way, stumbling and making mistakes because of internalizing all of this process.

It's hard to be adult and single because you don't have that built in ear to bounce ideas off of. Sure, I have friends and they are great, but I don't like to share everything with my friends. They have their own problems.

Things are going to work out, that I believe. I'm heading off on vacation and I welcome the opportunity to reflect and come back stronger; regain control on my life that seems to be careening away from me in a tornado of trouble.

When I return, I will have some answers. I will be announcing major changes in my life.

Right now I just need to buckle down and focus to get through the next few days.

I need to remember that it's going to be ok.

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