9:31 p.m. | 2003-03-09

Some days, when I realize how great my life is, I just want to collapse and cry.

I'm not sure why God made me who I am, nor do I have any idea why I was chosen to be blessed with so many amazing people in my life.

It seems like everytime I walk out of my apartment door, I meet a new amazing friend and it makes me fearful sometimes that I could be too blessed. Too much goodness upfront in my life, foreshadowing, as if the second portion of my life may be filled with heartbreak and tragedy.

Or maybe, this is my reward, for heartbreak and struggle in my past?

All these blessings, and yet I feel like something's missing and I only feel this way because I finally had a taste of what my life could be, who it could be spent with, and because of that, I can't be complete without that.

And now your heroine finds herself at an insurmoutable impass, forced to make the move that could either lock in the missing piece, or find out that it's not her piece.

And the idea that it may not be her piece, that it may not be his time for love, that idea is deafening in her mind. It paralyzes her with fear.

She is scared, and worse than that, she can't find the courage to make the move.

If only he would do it for her.

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