7:16 p.m. | 2003-06-23

I just duct taped my screen door into my slider frame. This is what it's come to.

All of this rain has turned the city into bug central. In NYC there is no requirement for rental management companies to provide screens for windows or sliding glass doors. They are required to childproof these openings, an irony unto itself because no one can afford to raise children in NYC, which means they have to soldier black bars in front of said openings so that we can all feel further jailed into our cramped apartments and wait for the bugs to attack us.

There are no Home Depots in NYC. This may seem outrageous to those of you who have never visited but it is reality. A few years ago, during the West Nile outbreak when I woke up one morning with 21, yes, 21 mosquito bites covering my legs, my brother took pity on me and bought two screen sliders for our apartment as my birthday gift. Unfortunately, our sliders are nontraditional measurements and they fall about .5" short in length.

Today I couldn't take the lockdown anymore. It's warm but not warm enough for air conditioning, so I duct taped my slider into the frame. It's rather ingenious really. I'm quite proud of myself. I'm handy!

This weekend was a banger upper. Toastress really outdid herself. Our neighbors at the shore are very unhappy. Apparently our sing along to "Southern Cross" followed by "Squeezebox" at 11:30PM didn't go over well in the city that never wakes. People need to lighten up - it wasn't even midnight.

What else can I tell you? I Brody Armstronged my hair. Not the blue, before that - the platinum and black stripes. It's pretty rock 'n roll. In fact, my hair is much more rock 'n roll that I am. Keeps me young.

That's about it. I'm beat today. Busy weekend with Friday night at a private party at the Water Club and Saturday with a day load at the shore, Sunday a kiddie birthday party and then the drive back.

I plan on resting up this week.

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