16:14:07 | 2000-12-06

We interrupt today's previously posted entry for this late-breaking new announcement:



In case no one told you. I love puppets. I almost peed my pants when I saw "Being John Malkovich" and learned that John Cusack played a puppeteer.

The fascination may have started with Mr. Rogers. I mean, when I was 5, I could give a shit about his neighbors and speedy delivery and stuff. I watched it for the King and Queen and their puppet world. I sat Indian style and patiently waited everyday to go to the Land of Make Believe.

And then the Muppets. God, I loved that show. My favorite characters were the two old men in the balcony.

In college, the only class I wanted to take that I couldn't get into was the puppet class. But even though I wasn't on the roster, I attended every single one of their final exams and watched the students bring their creations to life.

My favorite commercial EVER is the Ziplock commercial with the little face drawn on the finger...I mean, is there anything funnier??? I think not!

And then the Pets.com sock puppet came out. Many a late night this summer, as everyone sat back in a lazy, stoned fog, I would position my hand in the light of the shadows from the lit candles and start singing, "What goes up...must come down..." and we would all laugh hysterically everytime...although they may have been laughing at my own manical laughter at my shadow puppet or at my goofy singing.

God, I loved that sock puppet. Literally, it made me cry, I would laugh so hard.

And now, out of the blue, Toastgirl sent that puppet (which has a soundchip) to me at work, just because...

I have never been so excited in my whole life! I've already done two laps around the entire office, hiding behind cube walls and sneaking my hand puppet up to the top - surprising co-workers.

Puppets are magic. I love magic.

And Toastgirl, you are the bestest friend a girl could ever have. You ROCK.


One more thing. I just took the Spark's Match Test, and this is what they had to say about me:

Congratulations! And thanks for waiting. Your new identity is revealed...Having considered your history, dreams, yearnings, insecurities, personal flaws, and the such, we now conclude, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you are (deep down on the eternal inside) what we like to call

"The Drama Queen"

Independent Evil Love Taker


Selfish, flirty, moody. You like: romance, love, lust, gossip, pain, suffering, and emotional disembowelment.

You dislike: anything that moves you from your palace at the center of the universe. If Bette Midler were more attractive, she'd be a Drama Queen, but we don't let her use TheSpark.

Admit that you're slightly selfish, in need of love, and you talk a lot. You want a guy, or maybe a bunch of guys, that will fawn over you, listen to what you have to say, and look good on your arm.

OK, now that that's out on the table--in total, you're not so bad. You're quite affectionate once you find someone to meet your high standards. And you're assertive, which many people find refreshing. You will have a successful career because you're always ready to climb. Also, you're probably physically attractive. You move well (like a sophisticated woman) because of your self-awareness.

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