10:25 a.m. | 2001-09-05

Lemme tell you how today is going. I woke up late and thought it was Thursday. Then I thought it was Friday so I was all excited.

I got dressed and when I finished I realized that I had put my dress on backwards so I had to take off my sweater, take off my dress and put in on the right way. I started downstairs and then I realized that my sweater was on inside out. And I had no shoes on. Back up to my room, took off my sweater and put it back on the right way.

Tried to walk out the door again, one platform off, frantically searching for the other and I tripped over my unpacked duffle bag, foot with shoe landed on my blonde streaky stuff that I toss in my hair when I am needing a little glam.

Packaging BROKE and I have like blonde liquid lightening everywhere. Hardwood floor...shoe...foot...

I tried to clean it up, e.g. I stuck my hand in it and smeared it in my hair, but got frustrated, I grabbed my other shoe (which I found while bending down to deal with the mess) and walked out of my room,leaving the disaster, doubling checking that my clothes were now on correctly.

Jumped in a cab, arrived at work, stepped out of cab, walked to the curb, and some stupid overgrown rat of a dog started growling at me. Face off occurred.

This is my Life, people.

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