8:57 p.m. | 2002-11-06

Who are these people coming to NYC with the Bubonic Plague? I mean seriously, stay HOME if you have a disease that hasn't been around since the middle ages, do not travel to a city with 8 million people.

How would one even GET the Bubonic plague these days? On an archeological dig? Searching for the Holy Covenant? What the heck goes on in New Mexico?

I really have to point fingers at the out-of-towners. I mean, you don't see native New Yorkers blaspheming St. Patrick's Cathedral with public sex acts for shock jocks, it's low-class out-of-towners. You don't see native New Yorkers coming down with one of the great plagues.

What next, people? Visitors from Ohio bringing plagues of locusts? Pregnant women from Florida going into labor and bringing the curse of death above the doors of maternity wards for all first born sons?

I mean, really. It's 2002 here. We can all live hygenically. There are laundromats where you can use 5 quarters to wash your sleeping bags before you camp out. The government provides Section 8 housing across the U.S. so you don't have to sleep outside with diseased rats crawling on you.

Honestly, was the phrase "It takes a village" not publicized enough? Is there someone who doesn't understand the concept of society working together for the greater good? That means everyone pitches in. Like you watch your mouth in front of children, show them through your actions that you know right and wrong, and for the love of God, don't sleep with rats or travel with high fevers.

When these people recover, they need a good talking to. First by Hillary Clinton, and then by that nun I had for second grade who made us go straight to the bathroom and wash our hands everytime we sneezed.

Sister Audrey, that was her name. I wonder if Sr. Audrey is still around? She played a mean game of chess and she wasn't f-ing around with the hygiene. She was a mean as they came, but we got the point and washed up.

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