8:39 p.m. | 2002-12-18

You can tell it's nearing the end of the holiday season when I throw my holiday tantrum. That was today. I held a nice little pity party for myself at work.

I was IMing with a friend and suddenly, I just broke. I couldn't take it anymore. I am irritated by the people in my life. Some of the people I know are the most self-absorbed, drama inducing motherf-ers to walk this planet.

When they talk to me, it's like they have an hour with Oprah. And I should be sitting there sympathetic one moment, roaring with laughter the next, but I should ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS, act interested. Like me and my imaginary audience are on the edges of our seats to hear their next grievance or anecedote.

I think I remember watching old movies where people sat around and discussed the news of the day with each other. I ache, ACHE for that kind of interaction. One where I don't have to listen to stories about places where I don't work, and boys that I don't know and girls that I don't care about.

I don't want to talk about Christmas gifts. You ask me what I want and I tell you nothing. I'm not being coy, there's really nothing that I specifically want - barring someone buying me my own apartment or a car. Make a donation. I'm not being liberal, I am seriously suggesting you make a donation in my name if you can't spend the time looking at stores you know I frequent and finding something you want me to have. Something that makes you think of me. If you can't do that, then make a goddamn donation in my name.

It's not supposed to be this much WORK people. If you are buying me a gift, if probably because we've know each other for a long time. I am not a stranger.

Poor Gingi got an earful during prime pity party hours today. My other friend D., was also almost nailed with it, but I remembered our holiday bender vow, we can't offend the core, and I spared her the wrath. Gotta insulate the core group.

I'm going to be taking a little break from some of these people in my life. I just have to get through the next 2 days of work and the weekend and then I am retreating until the 31st.

I'll be moving around a lot over the next two weeks, from place to place and unreachable for a while.

I'll try to update from now until Sunday. After that, I'm heading into lockdown until the New Year.

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