16:35:56 | 2000-06-26

So Toastgirl told me this story about her older sister when she was in high school. Apparently, she wrote every day for a year in her journal about Rick Springfield - like how many times she thought of him that day or what their life together would be like, etc. The problem arose when Toastgirl's brother stole her sister's diary and the whole family read it. The sister didn't come of her room for about a year after that incident.

I'm afraid my diary is about to turn into that. I am in love with Greg Allman. Seriously, I'm obsessed. He's such a MAN. I mean, he doesn't walk, he swaggers. He looks like he could kick ass at anytime.

So, toastgirl, my brother and I get there and meet the manager. We hear it was Derek Trucks 21st birthday. Jesus - could you imagine turning 21 on tour with the Allman's? I can't.

We go backstage, check out the green room. No one there yet - but what is it with rockstars and M&M requests? They had the requisite plain and peanut and the bags were open, so I assume they specified that a color be removed. What is that?

I wanted to bail out of there because it was close to show time and I didn't want to be the random hanger-oner when the band walked in.

So we all go sit by the emergency exit, next to the bathroom. I'm sitting Indian style on the floor, smoking and ashing in a cup of water, Toastgirl is sitting on a chair against the wall also smoking, right at the door, my brother and S. (who got us the passes) are sitting in a love seat facing the door. So we are chatting and the guard comes up and unlocks the door, propping it open. We're all like what the F is going on? The next thing I know, the band walks in and I am secretly "OH MY GOD" freaking out and (trying)looking non-chalant while smoking. Derek Trucks walks in first and says "How ya doing?" to my brother, who is in perfect rockstar form - wearing the orange Bono glasses I gave him a couple of years ago with the Sturgis T-Shirt I gave him from last years Races and Rally (that's the Harley Davidson Races and Rally for those of you not in the know - in Sturgis, SD and yes, I was there last year...makin' friends)and tan shorts and flip flops. Truly, he looked like a rockstar and I would have said "hi" to him too. Butch says "Hi" to Julie and Greg struts in and I'm thinking he glimpsed at me out of the corner of his eye (but I'm sure I was wishing he looked at me) but he keeps his head up and says nothing to anyone. BADASS.

Literally, I am FREAKING out typing this.

Butch's wife stops to chat with us. She's the best.

The next thing I know, I'm on stage sitting right behind Greg and next to percussion. Derek turns around while he's playing and smiles at Toastgirl, I freak out for her. Truly, I freaked out. I mean, how cute is he anyway? And while he's playing... to turn around and smile...I couldn't even deal.

Cut to the encore. Toastgirl and I are rolling our way through the encore of whipping post - it was WILD. I was just going out of my mind. Forgot to mention that b4. Let's just skip to the best part. Greg gets up and walks to the back of the stage, turns his head and glances at us (TRANSLATION: GLANCES AT ME), flips his braid and walks offstage. Meanwhile, I've got a smile the size of Kansas on my face (I'm still smiling stupidly, someone please stop me). So we opt to leave rather than hang out.

Here's what's great about that. For maybe a second, he looked at me and was like "who is that?" Not that he cared, because let's face it, the man dates strippers and porn stars and I am neither. I mean, the guy's had Cher. When she was hot. But anyway, for a second, I was on his mind...he thought about me. And I didn't stay around and starfuck and "yes" him about how great he was; I left. I feel this laid some good groundwork for our next meeting.

And there will be another meeting.

Oh yes, there will be.

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