14:36:16 | 2000-05-25

We are currently having an apt. war in building. Because my life cannot be normal. First let me state that my building is basically a dorm. The guys living above us are graduates of Catholic U. They used to be crazy but they have GF's now, so they are settling down. But their friends moved into 1C and they also have GF's but this has in no way slowed them down. Literally, walking into my building and waiting for the elevator (which is next to the door into 1C) you would think you were in a boys dorm. It smells like a boys dorm, and sometimes I come home and they have their smelly sneakers and sweat socks in the hallway and their door is always open a crack - are they trying to air that place out??? - because it's not helping and the music is generally blasting. Sometimes I like to fuck with them and kick the door in and run in screaming "POLICE! FREEZE!" which really fucks up whomever's head is currently in the bong. But it's real funny.

Anyway, these idiots have 2 front door keys among 3 guys because they refuse to pay the $25 for another key. So they used to buzz everyone in the building to get in but apparently one time they buzzed everyone at like 4 or 5 in the morning and the management company got so many complaining phone calls that they ordered the boys to go from apt. to apt. and apologize to all the tenants. We girls in 8A found this highly amusing and I was looking forward to my apology, but of course they skipped our apt. So now they can't buzz everyone and apparently they started buzzing our Super at all hours - and this is a man with 4 small children who lives a block away. That's just plain wrong. Waking up all those kids on a school night and dragging this man's overworked ass out of bed in the middle of the night so he can walk them up the street and key them in the building. That's retarded.

So the idiots really have no one to buzz anymore. And so they buzz us at 2:40a.m. on Monday night. After I abused myself all weekend and was really trying to get myself together. And I really had some REM sleep going on. They must have been buzzing for a while to wake me up. And they buzzed for a while after they woke me up. And then I started hearing doors slamming in my apt. Everyone's up. I have one roommate screaming "Shut the Fuck up!" from her room. So, at this point, I just want it to stop because he's laying on that fucking buzzer. So I run downstairs and let him in. And on Tuesday, I e-mail the idiots and tell them they can't be buzzing late night and they need to suck it up and buy a key. And then they bring up the good point of having been buzzing our fourth roommate in for the last month at all hours. This is a good point. I didn't realize they had been buzzing her in. Fuck. And now I have started a war. And they are copying their idiot friends on our back and forth e-mails. And the GF's. But we win over the friends to our side with some dirt Tara dug up on each of them. They back off. Then we win over one of the roommates. Which leaves the other 2 on their own. And so I tried to be nice but they declared war. And I told them they don't want to do that, but they did it anyway.

The buzzing started last night around 7PM. And then this morning...when I left....around 8:15am...I took a piece of tape...and I taped their buzzer down...and calmly walked to catch my bus. It's gotta be pretting annoying to have just quit your job, on your first week of sleeping in, and having your buzzer going off non-stop at 8:15am. To the point where you have to get up, and walk outside and pull the tape off. Sux for them...

Tomorrow, I think I 'll leave for work extra early.

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