20:17:03 | 2000-08-24

Word up.

So you are know that Partygirl doesn't buy into all of this Survivor shite (shit, pron. shite - in Sickboy from Trainspotting fashion), right?

Well I watched last night's episode, only because my college friend who recently moved into the apt. below mine (I told you guy's my building is like a dorm!)enticed me with the pledge of fajita's and frozen drinks. And Partygirl CANNOT pass up the lure of a frozen cocktail.

Anyway, I have only one comment. I think Greg should have won. Because when he voted - he sniffed the marker!

I mean did you guys see that????? I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I thought it was an alcohol induced illusion, but oh, no, he sniffed it!


I didn't know if anyone but the burnt kids would catch that, so when I was e-ing my friend sushibitch.com this morning and she brought it up - it was confirmed.

That dude ROCKS! And then I heard that he hasn't done any media because he refused to do CBS This Morning because the show SUCKS ASS and he can't stand Bryant. And I love him even more!


I've got a lot going on right now. And I just got a lecture from a friend for being single.

I know, I suck. And I just don't feel like doing anything about it. I guess I should be out there...I should be nicer to guys that ask me dance at bars - unlike last week, when some random guy asked me to dance and I took a long drag of my cigarette, squinched my eye, looked up at him and told him to ask me later. I suck. But in my defense, he was a white guy wearing a MECCA T-shirt and he asked me to dance to the Eminem song "Kim," which is not a good sign. But in truth, I'm a white girl who owns 2 Live Crew CD's...So who's the loser here?

And then a few days later, this other Tiger Woods-ish guy, came up behind me at a bar and put his arm my waist - inside my cardigan. That freaked me out, as I have a touching issue. I really don't like to be touched by people I don't know well. It totally freaks me out. (and b4 you think I'm a freak- I've read about other people being like this - Angelina Jolie for instance...errrrr, she may not be the best example?) Like people who put their hands on your shoulders, or sling an arm around your shoulders, at work. That totally freaks me. So this TOTAL STRANGER is touching me and it took everything in me to restrain myself from screaming and turn around and quizzically say,"Do I know you?"

I figured I didn't, but was making an effort to be nice. So this guy is like right in my face and said "Yes, you know me." So I asked where I know him from, and he takes a really long time to respond and then says,"From Phillie....?"

I'm like, uhhh, WRONG.

So I say "Nope, but nice effort!" and he says," Nice!?! That was an EXCELLENT effort!" It was a this point where I turned around and started to ignore him.

Honestly, my friends act like I should be talking to these jokers. Excuse me for having some standards.

What happened to like, meeting someone with intellect that you can talk to about stuff? Maybe a friend of a friend? Not some random in a bar. I mean, there are diseases out there! Ick.

In truth, the problem may be, I just get too fucked up. I'm out and I'm having so much fun, I forget that I should be picking up.

Yes, I do realize this is strange.

But really, I would be thinking about it if I met a quality guy. And then sometimes you meet that guy, and someone has called dibs on him already.

Traveling around with a pack of pretty and super fun girls is probably not helping. And none of them are getting anywhere either. I mean, they are sleeping with guys left and right but those guys aren't calling them after. So who's really winning this dating game?

I say slow and steady wins the race.

"Slow and Low, that is the tem -ppppOOOO...."

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