21:31:15 | 2000-10-11


After exchanging e-mails from some members of the DL community, and a brief discussion with Andrew who assured me that he did not mean to "blow me off" when I e-ed him MONTHS ago proposing that Marnie2000 and I pen an advice column for DL...


Marnie2000 and I have launched a site with ADVICE FOR DIARYLANDERS at GoodAdvice. Check it out, we've posted our introductory entry and guidelines for submissions. NOTE: We will not be dropping by random pages and offering unsolicited advice, you have to ask for the advice;-)

We are now *officially* in the advice business.

So bring it on!


CD's I played back to back today: Jill Scott's "Who is Jill Scott" and Mya's "Fear of Flying." Both of which rock in their own ways. Jill Scott is like setting Maya Angelou to music. That GIRL is a poetic. Git down on it! And Mya, well, I will admit that I've met Mya, so I am biased. But damn! That girl deserves every drop of success that comes her way and the song "Case of the Ex" rocks the pah-tay.


Check out Toastgirl, that little hooker, having not an OUNCE of sympathy for my bitching and telling me that the world's smallest violin is playing for my sob story. Yeah - I 'll let you go on this one Toastgirl, because you are half-right. I have a lot going for me and I have been having a case of the "poor me's" this week and I should just get over it already and be happy for what I have. But, I totally disagree that you are boring and I admit I owe you credit for getting me on DL. I can't even remember life before Diaryland - how weird is that?


In other news, a friend and I took our other friend out for dinner to celebrate her birthday last night.

The Birthday Girl is about 6 months pregnant.

Anyway, on our way to dinner, I jokingly threw out there, "Hey, call me when you go into Labor - I've GOT to see that!" and Momma-to-be breaks it down for me and tells me, "Oh, you DO KNOW that you are on the list in the hospital records?"

I'm like, "What?"

She's like, "Oh yeah, pregnant women submit a list to the hospital of people who should be called or expected to accompany them. And you are at the top of that list. I'm counting on you."

Counting on me? Good Lord. I can't even count on my fingers. And she's counting on ME.

Her husband travels for business every week and he may not be in town when she goes into Labor. Her other, and in my opinion, more RESPONSIBLE, friend is planning a trip out of country for a 2 week span at that time.

And that leaves: YOURS TRULY.

I mean, what if I'm fucked up and get the call? I'm really going to have to clean up my act. I can't be welcoming children into the world with a cigarette hanging out my mouth and seeing double while ordering a double!

I mean this is HUMAN LIFE here people. This is childbirth. This is why we are all here. This is why my friends threaten to call child services when I have children. And here I will be on the frontlines! Easing the transition for what could be our future PRESIDENT or the world's greatest ROCKSTAR from womb to world!

I'd better bring my harmonica. Maybe moroccas, too?

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