22:11:56 | 2000-10-20

Hey. I'm back. Barely.

I took a mental health day yesterday. I think we can collectively agree it was deserved. Here are a few things I thought about on my day off:

1) I would really like to go out with Macy Gray and Lenny Kravitz - the three of us, hanging out somewhere very groovy. I realize that I lashed out on Macy here, but I recognize that putting the two of them together would be nothing short of COSMIC.

2) Nobody in my building works. There must have been 3 different band practices going on. This bummed me out. I would like to be at band practice during the day:-(

3) The guys on the first floor have some killer bud. And I wondered where they were getting that?

4) Sometimes, even when it's nice outside and you want to go and play in the East Village, you have to give in to the fact that you are totally exhausted, and sleep the day away.

5) Little House on the Prairie is on in the mornings.

6) Dukes of Hazzard airs at 3:30PM

7) You can only watch the making of TRL and Carson Daly's phony sincerity for so long. Any longer and you want to hunt him down and give him a wedgie, like he probably used to get all through school. Loser.

8) Fred Durst. Christina, if he likes you that much, date him already. This is getting ridiculous.

9) There is nothing better than the Vanity Fair Music Issue. I think they did an excellent job. If not just for Elvis Costello's Top 500 albums, you need this issue.

10) How nice it was to walk in Central Park at night last night. I've never done that, except when I went to a concert in the park, because I never had anyone to walk with.

Things that I am not proud of:

1) I own the soundtrack to the 80's flick "Satisfaction." And I bought it because I liked Justine Bateman's version of "Mr. Big Man."

2) I own a Vanilla Ice Tape.

3) I find myself singing along to Christina Aguliera's "C'mon Baby."

4) I got my first New Years Eve invite two weeks ago. And for the first time in my life I truly considered not going out.

5) Sometimes, I take the easy way out and buy "Best of" CD's instead of artists individual albums.

6) I can't BELIEVE I am going to admit this. Maybe I shouldn't....Oh, God, but then I would be only showing you what I want to show you about me, like some others on DL here...And this is a dark secret...perhaps too dark. I mean it's behind me, right? I've removed myself from any contact, without a trace. No, I have to be honest, I MUST BE HONEST.

I was a member of the online Ricky Martin Fan Update.

Oh God, I know what you are thinking. But it was a really rough time in my life - I SWEAR. And there he was, all pelvis and Prada, and that crotch swiveling into my face...and that smile and those moves....and I got swept up! Swept up in the mania!!!!!!! But I swear I never bought the CD. Nor attended a live appearance. Cross my heart.

7) Since I'm confessing. I bought the Wallflower CD (the last one) because I thought Jakob Dylan was hot. I did. And I still do.

8) Right when I turned 16, I backed my mom's car into a dumpster and broke her break lights. But I lied and said someone must have "hit and run" at the parking lot in school.

9) I watched some guy friends of mine, a bunch of idiot meatheads, who had tripped a kid, which broke his arm, a few weeks later slam this kid into the wall at school and break his collarbone on the other side. I still feel really guilty about not stopping them. High School is a real bitch. There should be high school jails, just for high school thugs like that. My only hope is that the kid is probably an amazing scientist now, and those thugs are probably garbage collectors.

10)I cracked my heel jumping off a bar 4 years ago. A bunch of guys were reaching to help me down after I danced to Johnny Cash but I was drunk and belligerent and I kicked at them and then leapt over their heads, like the bionic woman, and landed on the floor. Except. I didn't anticipate beer spillage. Hit the wet spot. Slid on my tailbone, feet first, across the wooden floor until my feet slammed into the wall. A hush fell over the raucous crowd. But I jumped up with my hands in the air like Olympic medalist Kerry Strug, and the crowd went crazy. My foot hurt like a bitch, but I didn't want to let anyone know, so I got on my stool and started drinking. Everyone in the bar bought me a shot. A sat there and drank until closing. When I stood up to go, I couldn't walk from the pain. My friends carried me out. They offered to take me to the hospital right then, because the swelling was already that bad, but I refused - why waste a good buzz? I knew they were going to either pump my stomach or wait until I sobered up to give me pain killers. I went home and passed out. Oh, did I mention this was Tuesday night? Riiiggggghhhhhhtt.

Come to think of it, that last one, I'm proud of. I have the X-rays hanging in my bedroom.

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