20:45:25 | 2000-09-13

Ahhhh, how refreshing to see your protege following in your footsteps. Here we have toastgirl getting loaded and misbehaving.

Toastgirl, it sounds like he deserved it.


I was thinking about this diaryland thing and about how a lot of diaries are interesting, but we are really only reading what the diarist wants us to learn about them. Some bloggers are more honest than others. Sometimes, like in the case of the celebrity diaries like Brad Pitt's, we read fiction, which in this case serves it's purprose as some GREAT entertainment.

But if you are at all like me, you really want to know the secrets behind the blogger. What are they hiding?

So, I thought I'd answer a few questions and tell you a little about partygirl.


Age - 27

Favorite Band - Tuff to answer. Today, I'll say it's a toss up between Neil Young and Rage Against the Machine.

Schooling - A hell of a lot. Finished college. Through Grammar School, High School and College I always took extra courses. Have no desire to EVER go back to school.

Least Favorite Job - Waitressing

Why? I HATE serving people. I find it totally degrading.

# of personal stalkers - 5. 1 in High School who I met once night when he dosed me with what I suspect was PCP. I spent the night at this party in the fetal position in the corner at a party, woke up the next morning face down in my gravel driveway. 1 in a foreign country who watched me from a building across the street; one that actually cornered me in a dark, locked restuarant; 1 cult related who sent a bunch of brainwashed cult members to follow me in a van; and 1 cop asked me out and I said no, so he used his authority to find out where I lived and would wait for me to get home sitting in his cruiser across the street.

# of people I have stalked - I think only 1, and really, it was innocent. I just couldn't understand that he wasn't interested and he was too nice to tell me. I was 18, and connie. But I did stalk him.

# of people I have permanently cut out of my life out of vengence - 4. And FUCK THEM.

Have I ever stolen anything? Yup. In fact, I got drunk last weekend and stole a lip gloss from 7-11. Just because it was there.

Favorite Book - Confederacy of Dunces. READ IT.

Strengths - I'm fun and I can probably make anyone like me. If you don't like me upon first impression, it really just makes me work harder to make you like me. Which might be why, people have told me, I'm also overwhelming.

and that brings us to...

Weaknesses - I'm overwhelming. And I can be an incredible bitch, because I tell it like it is. And I don't really care if you don't like what you hear. But I also am overly empathetic, which can bring me down when I am trying to be strong.

Favorite Movie - Empire Records. I love it so much.

Favorite Holiday - Fourth of July. Fireworks, God, I love fireworks. I think I would like to have them when I get married.

Snapple Flavor - Diet Raspberry Iced Tea.

Junk Food - Tandykake Tasty Cakes. I'm totally connie.

Love of my life - No one yet.

Driving record - I think it may be up to 6 accidents. My family nicknamed me A.J. Foyt in high school. I like to drive FAST.

Criminal record - None. I never got caught.

# of personal items confiscated by police - 3

# of times in the emergency room/hospital - 12, not counting when I was born. Lots of accidents.

Sexual Partners - I'd rather not say. I'm allowed to dodge my own questions!

# of times I had sex without a condom - NEVER. I'm way too paranoid.

# of times I've freaked out and thought I had HIV - at least 3 times a year, I am convinced I've got it.

# of times I've been tested - Once. I know I should go, but I'm all freaked out about it.

# of suicide attempts - None. For all of my ranting and raving, I would Nev-ah. Although I did overdose 3 times - once when I was three and ate a whole bottle of my mom's valium - she freaked out - I'm not sure she was pissed I ate all her valium or worried. The second time I was in high school and I took a sprinkling of every cold med. I could find in the house because I thought it was help me get better faster. My parents found me laying on the floor ranting about something or another - talking to the ceiling and laughing my face off. The last time was years ago and I had taken about 6 hits of acid (thought it was three, but each hit had another one stuck to it) in July and as it hit me I started to sweat profusely, but I kept breaking up the rest of a sheet of acid and I was tripping so hard I forgot to break up the sheet through the baggie and used my hands and then I kept wiping my hands on my forehead to wipe the sweat and well, after that it was shitshow. You can imagine.

# of times I saw the Grateful Dead - 5

# of times I've seen Phish - 12

# of times I've seen the Allman Brothers - 7

# of times I've seen God - 4 or 5, all drug or trauma induced

# of times I've seen Michael Jackson - 1, I was 11 and I fought attending that show the entire way. When I was backstage, I refused to go with the other kids to meet MJ. Clearly I had foresight.

# of times I've seen the Backstreet Boys - 1 and I fought that one too.

Greatest Fear - Death by Shark. Yet I love the ocean. Discuss among yourselves.

Greatest Extravagance - Hair & make-up.

Most overused phrase - Fucking Genius!

Greatest Regret - Not being more agressive when younger.

Most Treasured Possession - My harmonica. (Thanks Marnie2000)

Motto - Twenty Words or Less.

But I sure as hell don't follow that in here.

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